Celebrating World Environment Day and World Ocean Day 2020
In commemoration of World Environment Day on 5 June 2020 and World Oceans Day on 8 June 2020, the National Coordination Team for Marine Debris Handling in collaboration with Divers Clean Action (DCA) and the Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI) held another webinar entitled “Children’s Environmental Heroes, Barriers & Potential for Innovation in Packaging Waste in the Middle of the Pandemic”. This webinar is a continuation of a series of webinars that have been held previously in commemoration of National Coral Reef Day.
World Environment Day in 2020 raised the issue of the importance of biodiversity in human activities, especially during this pandemic. Quoting the United Nations’ (UN) statement, Environmental Day is targeted to carry out educational efforts and remind that it is time to wake up, pay attention, and make time for the environment. Whereas, World Ocean Day 2020 presents the theme of Innovation for Sustainable Oceans that focuses on the development of the global movement to call on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030.
By holding the webinar, it is expected that the Indonesian sea will be free of waste by optimizing the role of each community to help build a waste management system in various parts of Indonesia in the midst of this pandemic. The aim is to increase public awareness about the relevance of disposable packaging and its impact on health and the environment (especially marine waste) during the pandemic, offer alternative medical solutions that can be reused, recycled and not add to the environmental burden especially marine waste, and build awareness of individual health efforts to minimize medical waste that enters the environment.
Interestingly, before the webinar session was held, a Talkshow session for children was first held consisting some exciting agenda, such as watching animated videos about marine waste, singing, and listening to children’s fairy tales, by presenting several figures including Dila Hadju (Tumbuh Hijau Urban), Kak Resha (Ranger Cilik), and Chitra Subyakto (Sejauh Mata Memandang). The session was attended by approximately 60 children. Then, the discussion session was held by presenting Mr. Novrizal Tahar (Director of Waste Management, KLHK) to give the opening speech, followed by presentation materials by Ratih Anggraeni (Danone Aqua), Ryo Saputra (Anomali Coffee), Olivia Herlinda (CISDI), Hendra Y. (KFC Indonesia ), Sri Bebassari (InSWA), and Tiza Mafira (Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik). The webinar program was moderated by Vania Herlambang (Putri Indonesia Environment 2008) and managed to attract almost 1000 registrants.