TPA di NTB Ubah Sampah Jadi Campuran Batubara
/2 Comments/in Teknologi/by adminTPA di NTB Ubah Sampah Jadi Campuran Batubara
Penulis : Faris Al-Furqon
Editor : Ananda Rizky Purwaningdyah
(26 November 2020)
Ketika penanganan sampah di Kota Mataram dan Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) menemui jalan buntu dan terkesan jalan di tempat, inovasi yang dirumuskan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi NTB dengan PT Indonesia Power seakan menunjukkan titik terang.
Inovasi itu ialah mengubah sampah menjadi bahan campuran batubara. Campuran batubara itu akan dikirim ke Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Jerajang, NTB. Pengolahan sampah menjadi campuran batubara ini sendiri dilakukan di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Kebon Kongok, Lombok, NTB.
Lantas bagaimana cara kerja pengubahan sampah menjadi campuran batubara? Saat sampah pertama kali sampai di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU), sampah akan dipenyeumasi atau difermentasi dengan didiamkan selama 7—10 hari.
Setelah itu, sampah dicacah agar menjadi bentuk yang lebih kecil untuk kemudian dijadikan pellet Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Pelet inilah yang nantinya akan dikirim ke PLTU Jerajang dan dibakar dengan mekanisme co-firing dan dicampur dengan batubara.
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Walaupun jumlah sampah yang dikonversi menjadi RDF masih terbilang kecil, jumlah ini terus meningkat setiap bulannya. “Dari April, Mei, Juni, dan Juli trennya naik. Sebelumnya, sekitar 800 kilogram per bulan, lalu naik menjadi 900 kilogram. Lalu kemarin saat dicek, sudah 1,4 ton, semoga bisa mencapai 2 ton.
Saat ini juga tengah dirancang agar pelet yang dihasilkan dalam sehari bisa mencapai 500 kilogram hingga 2 ton,” Kata Nandang Syarifudin, Knowledge Management dan Risiko PT Indonesia Power, seperti yang dilansir
Didik Mahmud Gunawan Hadi, Kepala UPT TPA Regional Kebon Kongok, memberikan kabar baik. Ia mengatakan bahwa Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR), menjanjikan lahan seluas 4 ribu meter persegi di sekitar TPA untuk memaksimalkan pengolahan sampah menjadi RDF.
Didik juga memaparkan, meminimalisasi sampah adalah program kerja Pemerintah Provinsi NTB. “Dalam proposal, sampah yang bisa kami olah dalam sehari rencananya mencapai 100 ton. Semuanya pakai mesin yang dibantu tenaga kerja kami,” ujarnya seperti yang dilansir
Inovasi ini ternyata juga dilirik oleh Kementerian Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup (KLHK). Tidak tanggung-tanggung, Menteri KLHK, Siti Nurbaya, bahkan menyambangi langsung TPA Kebon Longok untuk menyaksikan bagaimana konversi sampah ini ke pelet RDF pada 8 Maret 2020 lalu.
Kunjungan ini juga sekaligus untuk melihat potensi inovasi ini untuk diterapkan di daerah lain. “Langkah ini sangat baik, seperti tadi saya katakan, ini contoh yang konkrit di lapangan, hasilnya juga kelihatan, nanti masyarakat akan dapat manfaatnya,” ujar Siti Nurbaya seperti yang dilansir
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Sidney says: -
1win букмекерская контора says: Football is the most popular disciplineon the planet. Demand massive.
Millions of fans watch games of idols. Attention growing constantly.Of course for this discipline can make bets
in a bookmaker’s office. Shortly introduce development
of football.Development of game
Football originated in antiquity. Games with a ball in demand among citizens of many countries.
They were applied in:
• Asian countries;
• Sparta;
• Ancient Rome.
Inhabitants of Italy improved discipline. During the Middle Ages they
created the game “Calcio”. With the growth trade
relations, it came to the United Kingdom.Love in discipline formed instantly. By Level of Interest “Calcio” surpassed cricket.
First rules
Interest public appeared not by chance. Game impressed with its dynamism.
Battles on the court occurred significant. Such a scenario permitted norms of football:1. 2 teams.
2. 25 people each.
3. 15 forwards.
4. Right to fistfights.
Inhabitants of Foggy Albion made their rules.
At first game didn’t unify. In some places allowed to throw projectile
with hands, in others forbidden.
The first attempt to standardization was made in 1846.
Conditions demanded immediate response. Representatives from
several colleges entered the field on the field as part of the tournament.
Each player worked in accordance with acceptednorms.Outcome did not inspire optimism. However, players were create a common set of rules.
First standardization became positive. Participation viewers increased.
According to the results in England there was the first specialized club.
Roster named “Sheffield”. It happened in 1857.
In 1863 appeared The Football Association of England. Organization immediately adopted a standard set
of norms games.Phased improvement
Gradually discipline developed. Created requirements for the
stadium. Approved dimensions of the gate.
Significant time is 1871. Then appeared the FA Cup.
Championship – oldest in the world.
1891 – time appearances in football kick from 11 meters.
However, from modern this strike is. Today shoot penalties from point.
Earlier moment was done from the line.
Discipline evolved. Love grew. According to the results in the 1880s, the number of teams exceeded 100 pieces.
Among the public began arise speculations. Many athletes felt that a number of rosters give players salary.In those days sports could be only amateur. According to the results
norms changed. They introduced a clause prohibiting players have a salary.Started wave denunciations. Teams accused each other.
Some clubs left the league. After time requirement cancelled.Football in other countries of the world
Growth of trade accelerated penetration of football to Europe.
Following the results game became regulated at the international level.
FIFA originated in beginning of the last century. At first
organization consisted of 7 countries.
Unified norms on equipment was. Players was required to wear:
• hat or top hat;
• boots;
• long stockings;
• pants.Normal established later. Initially footballers
played without license plates. They appeared only in 1939.Starting international tournament held at the beginning of
the last century. Discipline included to the Olympic Games.
Participated total England, France, Belgium.Football flourished in the 1950. On the planet started playing high class stars.
Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Jl. Gatot Subroto RT.1/RW.3 Glora, Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat 12190
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Labuan Bajo berada di Kecamatan Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Di tengah berkembangnya pariwisata Indonesia, Labuan Bajo merupakan salah satu destinasi yang paling terkenal saat ini terutama bagi mereka yang menyukai kawasan laut dan pantai. Labuan Bajo memiliki lanskap alam yang sangat indah, laut yang berwarna biru, serta panorama yang beragam mulai dari kawasan pantai hingga perbukitan.
Selain terkendal dengan salah satu hewan endemiknya yaitu Komodo, Labuan Bajo juga menyediakan banyak daya tarik lain yang patut dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan. Mulai dari gugusan Pulau Padar, Rinca, dan Komodo, Pantai Pink, hingga desa tradisional di kawasan Wae Rebo, semuanya menawarkan keindahan dan keunikan masing-masing.
Labuan Bajo dirancang untuk menjadi salah satu kawasan “Bali Baru” bersama dengan 4 tujuan wisata lainnya. Selain itu, pemerintah Indonesia juga menjadikan wilayah ini salah satu prioritas karena akan digelar pertemuan G20 dan ASEAN Summit pada 2023 mendatang. Oleh karenanya, persiapan mulai dari pembangunan infrastruktur yang menunjang hingga aspek kebersihan seperti penanganan sampah laut mulai dan akan terus dilakukan.
Dalam Rencana Aksi Nasional Penanganan Sampah Laut (RAN PSL), Labuan Bajo juga menjadi salah satu kawasan yang banyak menjadi fokus. Berbagai Kementerian/Lembaga banyak yang mengadakan kegiatan terkait penanganan sampah laut, mulai dari pelatihan, aksi bersih laut dan pantai, penyediaan Pusat Daur Ulang, hingga penguatan regulasi.
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Football is the most popular disciplineon the planet. Demand massive.
Millions of fans watch games of idols. Attention growing constantly.
Of course for this discipline can make bets
in a bookmaker’s office. Shortly introduce development
of football.
Development of game
Football originated in antiquity. Games with a ball in demand among citizens of many countries.
They were applied in:
• Asian countries;
• Sparta;
• Ancient Rome.
Inhabitants of Italy improved discipline. During the Middle Ages they
created the game “Calcio”. With the growth trade
relations, it came to the United Kingdom.
Love in discipline formed instantly. By Level of Interest “Calcio” surpassed cricket.
First rules
Interest public appeared not by chance. Game impressed with its dynamism.
Battles on the court occurred significant. Such a scenario permitted norms of football:
1. 2 teams.
2. 25 people each.
3. 15 forwards.
4. Right to fistfights.
Inhabitants of Foggy Albion made their rules.
At first game didn’t unify. In some places allowed to throw projectile
with hands, in others forbidden.
The first attempt to standardization was made in 1846.
Conditions demanded immediate response. Representatives from
several colleges entered the field on the field as part of the tournament.
Each player worked in accordance with acceptednorms.
Outcome did not inspire optimism. However, players were create a common set of rules.
First standardization became positive. Participation viewers increased.
According to the results in England there was the first specialized club.
Roster named “Sheffield”. It happened in 1857.
In 1863 appeared The Football Association of England. Organization immediately adopted a standard set
of norms games.
Phased improvement
Gradually discipline developed. Created requirements for the
stadium. Approved dimensions of the gate.
Significant time is 1871. Then appeared the FA Cup.
Championship – oldest in the world.
1891 – time appearances in football kick from 11 meters.
However, from modern this strike is. Today shoot penalties from point.
Earlier moment was done from the line.
Discipline evolved. Love grew. According to the results in the 1880s, the number of teams exceeded 100 pieces.
Among the public began arise speculations. Many athletes felt that a number of rosters give players salary.
In those days sports could be only amateur. According to the results
norms changed. They introduced a clause prohibiting players have a salary.
Started wave denunciations. Teams accused each other.
Some clubs left the league. After time requirement cancelled.
Football in other countries of the world
Growth of trade accelerated penetration of football to Europe.
Following the results game became regulated at the international level.
FIFA originated in beginning of the last century. At first
organization consisted of 7 countries.
Unified norms on equipment was. Players was required to wear:
• hat or top hat;
• boots;
• long stockings;
• pants.
Normal established later. Initially footballers
played without license plates. They appeared only in 1939.
Starting international tournament held at the beginning of
the last century. Discipline included to the Olympic Games.
Participated total England, France, Belgium.
Football flourished in the 1950. On the planet started playing high class stars.